To provide a safe environment where a child can transfer trust and establish relationships with a teacher and other caring adults
To introduce routines and the concept of following directions
To promote independence and responsibility for self and belongings
To introduce cooperative and interactive play; moving from parallel play
To introduce tools and equipment to develop skills in fine and gross motor activities – paint brushes, scissors, crayons and markers, puzzles, board games, manipulatives, swinging, balls, sand and water toys
To provide experiences in literature and music in small and large groups
To increase use of oral language in social situations to take care of needs and share ideas and thoughts
To provide experiences that meet the children’s needs and stimulate their natural curiosity to learn in the areas of social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development
To provide a respectful environment within which each child feels safe, accepted, and capable to maximize learning and individual self worth
To provide opportunities for increased social and creative interactions which encourage more developed oral language, interactive and cooperative play, and problem solving.